Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In Chapter's Defense

When I first saw this video I was shocked and appalled because as a recipient of food stamps I felt she was telling the world that people who are on government assistance do so to take advantage of these programs.  The premise of this song is about how women purposely get pregnant  in order to receive government  assitance such as food stamps, GR/GA (general relief/general assistance), free daycare, free dental, free medical even free housing.  sed ebt (food stamps), because my mother really didn't have money to buy food and pay for rent and utilities.  I didn't resort to getting knocked up so that nine months later I could get benefits that range according to Chapter free daycare, free food stamps, GR (general relief).

I decided to learn more about Chapter before I totally wrote her off as an ignorant woman who didn't care about how she portrays recipients of government assistance.  On her youtube Chapter Artist Discussions she discusses the inspiration to her songs including ebt.  She states that she knows people who are able to pocket daycare money from the government assistance programs by having a friend babysit.  That way when the friend gets paid, they split the earnings in half amongst themselves.  She explains that in California, the electronic benefits are superb.  She notes that if you are being given $179 in food stamps, $221 GR per child/individual and daycare money per child why would you want to work.

If one goes to her youtube page you will see that she is purposely using satire to depict welfare queens.  Furthermore, if one watches her other video, you will learn that homegirl went to college, so yes haters she is educated.  She writes poems and produces her songs that are meant to speak the truth.

Although I hope there are only a small percentage of  45.7 million who receive SNAP (a form of EBT) who are actually milking the government by popping out more babies it unfortunately does occur.  So what is the message that Chapter is conveying through her video?

She says she is out there to empower men and woman, but in opinion she also is empowering children.
She is criticizing the welfare mothers because they are having children to get $$$  but the children are being raised improperly.  Her lyric: why am i hungry if we get free food attests to the welfare mothers not taking care of them.  In her youtube description her video: .the kids can even get to eat from time to time further demonstrates that she is exposing the negligence and abuse of these welfare babie$.

Her video maybe shocking at first, but don't watch if it is embedded on a hater's site.  You will miss out on the fact that a)she is purposely implementing satire to expose abuse b) her chapter discussions video.

Despite that it may bother and appall many, her video is speaking her truth.  I don't think her video is about all recipients of EBT.  This song is solely about people who use children as their atm so that they can live a certain lifestyle and not work.  This song is exposing that these welfare babie$ are neglected and unloved. 

Thank you Chapter for K.I.R.


Crazy Liz said...

Completely agree with you .

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